Marikina Memory and Aging Project
St Luke's Medical Center

Variable Response
Full Name Marikina Memory and Aging Project
CRS Continents(s) Asia
CRS ID 112
Acronym MMAP
Low-Middle Income Country Yes
Data Available Through DPAU No
Follow-Up Data Available Yes
CRS Overview This project is part of the St. Luke's Institute for Neurosciences database on aging and dementia. A random sample of individuals older than 60 years old was drawn from the senior citizen registry of Marikina City, proportionally representing the percentages of senior citizens residing in all 16 barangays (villages).
No. of Subjects at Baseline 1367
Institution St Luke's Medical Center
Department Name Institute for Neurosciences
City Marikina City
Country Philippines
Study/Database Website
Principal Investigator (PI) Jacqueline Dominguez
PI email
Key Study References Dominguez J., Fe de Guzman M., Reandelar Jr M., Thi Phung T.K. Prevalence of dementia and associated risk factors: A population-based study in the Philippines. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2018;63:1065-1073
Population Based Study? Yes
Family Based Study? No
Clinical Based Sample? No
Were participants included prior to development of dementia (may refer to controls only)? Yes
Were participants included prior to development of MCI (may refer to controls only)? Yes
How is data collected? face-to-face
Who carries out data collection? multidisciplinary team comprised of a nurse, a psychologist,and a neurologist
Does this take place in participants' homes or at a central location? central location - community research site
Do participants take part individually or are families/partners involved? accompanied by an informant. An informant was defined as the person who knew the participant well, such as a relative, a friend, a neighbor, or a caregiver.
Dementia cases ascertained as part of study Yes
Diagnosis based on review of existing clinical data No
Were diagnosis/primary outcomes made blind to exposure variables? Not Applicable
How many times followed up? 1
Sample Size at Follow-Up 1367
Study start date 2011
Study end date 2016
Study Timeline Baseline (2011 - 2012)
Follow-up (2015 - 2016)
Is data collection still ongoing? No
Is study still recruiting? No
Inclusion criteria 60+
Exclusion criteria
Minimum Age 60
Sex Included in Study Male and Female
Are there likely to be updates or revisions to the data after its release? No
Data Availability Data not available on DPAU
Data Access Process Direct application to CRS
Data Distribution Rule Not distributed via DPAU

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