Sydney Memory and Ageing Study Intervening Interviews
University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)

Variable Response
Full Name Sydney Memory and Ageing Study Intervening Interviews
CRS Continents(s) Australia
CRS ID 102
Acronym MASI
Low-Middle Income Country No
Data Available Through DPAU Yes
Follow-Up Data Available Yes
CRS Overview The aim of the Memory and Ageing Study (MAS) was initiated in 2005 to examine the clinical characteristics and prevalance of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and related syndromes and to to determine the rate of change in cognitive function and incident dementia over time. MAS uses epidemiological, neuropsychiatric, biospecimin and neuroimiaging data to understand various factors associated with both healthy cognitive ageing and cognitive decline. In recent years, a major aim of the study has become identifying modifiable lifestyle factors associated wtih brain health in older age. At baseline, participants were 1037 older Australians aged 70-90 years old who took part in detailed neuropsychiatric and medical assessmetns and donated a blood sample for clinical chemistry, proteomics and genomics. A knolwegable informant was also interviewed at each Wave. Participants and informants were followed up bienially - called Waves - for 15-years (7 Waves).; In the intervening years, participants will be contacted by telephone for a brief assessment. The telephone interview will include an update of the social and demographic data of the participant and informant and the Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status (TICS). The B-ADL and IADL will be completed by the informant.
No. of Subjects at Baseline 970
Institution University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
Department Name Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing (CHeBA)
City Sydney
Country Australia
Study/Database Website
Principal Investigator (PI) Professor Henry Brodaty and Professor Perminder Sachdev
PI email;
Key Study References Sachdev, P. S., Brodaty, H., Reppermund, S., Kochan, N. A., Trollor, J. N., Draper, B., ... & Lux, O. (2010). The Sydney Memory and Ageing Study (MAS): methodology and baseline medical and neuropsychiatric characteristics of an elderly epidemiological non-demented cohort of Australians aged 70-90 years. International psychogeriatrics, 22(8), 1248.
Population Based Study? Yes
Family Based Study? No
Clinical Based Sample? No
Were participants included prior to development of dementia (may refer to controls only)? Yes
Were participants included prior to development of MCI (may refer to controls only)? Yes
How is data collected? Participants: telephone interviewed, face-to-face assessment including medical examination, and self-report questionnaires.; Informant: telephone interviewed and self-report questionnaires.
Who carries out data collection? Research psychology graduates
Does this take place in participants' homes or at a central location? Participants were assessed at either a study centre or in their own home if they were unable to visit the centre for face-to-face assessment.
Do participants take part individually or are families/partners involved? Family/partner (informant) involved
Dementia cases ascertained as part of study Yes
Diagnosis based on review of existing clinical data Yes
Were diagnosis/primary outcomes made blind to exposure variables? Not Applicable
How many times followed up? 6
Sample Size at Follow-Up Wave 1 = 970
Wave 2 = 839
Wave 3 = 751
Wave 4 = 642
Wave 5 = 515
Wave 6 = 345
Study start date 2005
Study end date 2020
Study Timeline Wave 1: Oct 2006 - Dec 2008
Wave 2: Oct 2008 - Dec 2010
Wave 3: Oct 2010 - Dec 2012
Wave 4: Oct 2012 - Dec 2014
Wave 5: Nov 2014 - Mar 2017
Wave 6: Mar 2017 - Oct 2019
Is data collection still ongoing? No
Is study still recruiting? No
Inclusion criteria Participants aged 70-90 years living in the community were randomly selected to participate. They needed to speak and write English sufficiently well to complete a psychometric assessment and were able to consent to participate. The majority of participants (93.9%) had an informant who was the closest person to them and preferably someone who cohabitated with them. The informant had to know the participant well enough to be able to answer questions about the participant's memory, thinking, and daily functions. The informant had to have at least weekly contact of not less than one hour with the participant.
Exclusion criteria Participants were excluded if they had a previous diagnosis of dementia, psychotic symptoms or a diagnosis of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, multiple sclerosis, motor neuron disease, developmental disability, progressive malignancy (active cancer or receiving treatment for cancer, other than prostate -non-metastasized, and skin cancer), or if they had medical or psychological conditions that may have prevented them from completing assessments. Participants were excluded if they had a Mini-mental Statement Examination (MMSE; (Folsteinet al., 1975) score of<24 adjusted for age, education and non-English speaking background (Andersonet al., 2007) at study entry, or if they received a diagnosis of dementia after comprehensive assessment.
Minimum Age 70
Sex Included in Study Male and Female
Are there likely to be updates or revisions to the data after its release? Yes
Notes Genetics/epigenomics and imaging data are not available on DPAU but can be applied through
Data Availability Full data available on DPAU
Data Access Process Application through DPAU
Data Distribution Rule By Ontology

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