Atma Jaya Cognitive & Aging Research (ACtive Aging Research)
Atma Jaya Catholic University

Variable Response
Full Name Atma Jaya Cognitive & Aging Research (ACtive Aging Research)
CRS Continents(s) Asia
CRS ID 108
Acronym AJCAR
Low-Middle Income Country Yes
Data Available Through DPAU Yes
Follow-Up Data Available Yes
CRS Overview The objective of the Atma Jaya Cognitive and Aging Research is to investigate the relationship between the presence of APOE genotype in the elderly and cognitive function
No. of Subjects at Baseline 860
Institution Atma Jaya Catholic University
Department Name Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine
City Jakarta
Country Indonesia
Study/Database Website
Principal Investigator (PI) Yuda Turana
PI email
Key Study References TuranaY, Ranakusuma TAS, Purba JS, et al. Enhancing diagnostic accuracy of aMCI in the elderly: Combination of olfactory test, pupillary response test, BDNF plasma level, and APOE genotype. International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, vol. 2014, Article ID 912586, 9 pages, 2014. doi: 10.1155/2014/912586
Population Based Study? Yes
Family Based Study? No
Clinical Based Sample? No
Were participants included prior to development of dementia (may refer to controls only)? Yes
Were participants included prior to development of MCI (may refer to controls only)? Yes
How is data collected? Face-to-face
Who carries out data collection? Yvonne S Handayani, Yuda Turana
Does this take place in participants' homes or at a central location? several central location
Do participants take part individually or are families/partners involved? Individually
Dementia cases ascertained as part of study No
Diagnosis based on review of existing clinical data No
Were diagnosis/primary outcomes made blind to exposure variables? Not Applicable
How many times followed up? 1
Sample Size at Follow-Up 233
Study start date 2011
Study end date 2019
Study Timeline
Is data collection still ongoing? Yes
Is study still recruiting? Yes
Inclusion criteria age >= 60 years old and being literate (reading and writing skills).
Exclusion criteria hearing problems, major psychiatric disorders, depression (Geriatric Depression Scale/GDS >4), history of cataract surgery, severe medical illness, past consumption of drugs affecting brain's function and structure, history of cerebrovascular disease, epilepsy, and diabetes mellitus (consumption of antiglycaemic drugs or fasting blood glucose >= 126mg/dL).
Minimum Age 60
Sex Included in Study Male and Female
Are there likely to be updates or revisions to the data after its release? Yes
Data Availability Data not available on DPAU
Data Access Process Direct application to CRS
Data Distribution Rule Not distributed via DPAU

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